McCruit GmbH
Thierschstraße 19
80538 München
Phone: +49 89 5505 4607
Owner of the domain: Christoph Ferner
Christoph Ferner
Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV:
McCruit GmbH
Register court: Munich Local Court, Register number: HRB: 227516
Design of the website:
goldenebotschaft GmbH
Web development:
Kubi Digital
Liability notice:
Despite careful control of the content, errors in the text, external links, or incorrect links, no liability is assumed. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
The data published here are protected by copyright. Any other reproduction, mirroring or display within external frames is prohibited without written permission.
Data protection:
We do not collect any personal data about visitors to our website. Depending on the access protocol used, our service provider stores the IP address of the requesting computer, the date and time of the request, the access method/function requested by the requesting computer, the input values transmitted by the requesting computer (file name, ...), the access status of the web server (file transferred, file not found, command not executed, etc.), the name of the requested file, and the URL from which the file was requested/the desired function was initiated. The stored data is used exclusively for the purpose of identifying and tracking unauthorised access attempts and accesses to the web server. The stored data is not used for any other purposes than data security. The service provider only provides us with aggregated information about the number of visitors related to the domain name.
If you send us an e-mail, we will collect, store and process your data only to the extent necessary to process your inquiries and correspond with you. We treat your data in accordance with the provisions of data protection law and generally take the greatest possible precautions for its security. We would like to point out that when sending e-mails, data transmission via the Internet is unsecured (unencrypted) and the data could therefore theoretically be accessed by unauthorized persons or even falsified.